3 False Doctrines you must Guard Against as a Christian Woman: WATCH YOUR DOCTRINE!

In this last blog post here, I sought to share why doctrine, the true sound doctrine based on the Word of God, is important. I also shared why it is important to watch it closely. When you are asked to watch something closely, it must be that there is some imminent danger awaiting if you do not do so.

Consider this simple illustration:

One of our staple foods in the part of the country where I come from is ugali. This is a meal made from maize flour. This ‘watching’ reminds me of the process of what would happen when preparing the maize. The maize needed to fully dry before it would be taken to the posho meal where it would be ground to flour. The mama would often spread the maize out on a mat to dry in the hot sun for a few days.

It would be the responsibility of her little ones to watch the maize, chasing away the predators; usually the free-range chicken, that would incessantly try to get to the maize. This would be a tall order for the little ones, whose play area was quite limited to the area around the drying maize. It was always a relief when mama announced it was time to take the maize to the posho meal. This announcement carried three benefits for the little ones: no spanks on their behind (in case they disobeyed!); their routinely playtime was back and their ‘delicacy’ was hence assured! Watching the maize wasn’t easy, but as you can see, it was worth it.

Think about it: Watching your life and doctrine, and watching it closely, isn’t easy. If it will however mean that you have founded your faith on Christ the Rock, the foundation firm and steady; if it will mean bearing greater and more abiding fruit in your life and ministry; if it will mean that by the time you die, you’ll have prepared your children for eternity, it’s worth watching closely.

Are you, woman of God, watching your doctrine closely?

We have an enemy who would rather that we didn’t have the right doctrine at all. He’s perpetually on the overdrive to ensure that if we had preserved the right doctrine, he would stealthily contaminate it. His greatest moment is when our doctrine is fake, watered down, and spurious.

In Ephesians 6:11, Paul exhorts us to put on the whole armour of God, that we may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. According to Google’s English dictionary, wile means:

devious or cunning strategies employed in manipulating or persuading someone to do what one wants.

Other versions of the Bible render wile as schemes or, strategies and tricks.

I contend that many believing women just live as though there is no enemy. God on the other hand gives a solemn warning that the devil prowls around like a roaring lion seeking for someone to devour. (1Pet.5:8) The classic example was when he tricked Eve in the Garden of Eden with the classic question:

“Did God really say, ‘You must not eat from any tree in the garden?” (Gen 3:1 NIV)

Notice the phrase “Did God really say…” His aim is to make us doubt God and the truth of His Word. He will instead give us all other options in the name of doctrines that seem to make sense to our human mind. It seemed to Eve after her conversation with the devil that what God had told them to do was unfair, inconsiderate… even selfish. She fell for his wile. If we are not getting grounded in the true sound doctrine, we will definitely fall.

In this blog, I want to briefly explore what those other doctrines are in a bid to make you aware every time such a doctrine pops up. As you can imagine, a wide exegesis of this would probably take a whole book! By the way, we are encountering these doctrines on almost daily basis. The internet hasn’t made it easier.

How do bankers tell out the real authentic note from the fake one? I am told they study the authentic one upside down, to the finer print. They rarely bother with fake ones. It makes sense because it would be impossible to study the scores of fake ones that fraudsters invent daily. Please keep this analogy in mind as we continue. My aim is therefore not for you to study these other doctrines. My aim is that you would keep immersing yourself in the Word to build yourself in the true sound doctrine. When a fake doctrine presents itself, you can tell what it is and you will shun it.

Deep, deliberate and focused intake and study of the Scriptures in building the right doctrine for your life will be the sure antidote against all other forms of doctrine. James 3:15 – 17 has been very helpful as I sought to name and categorize these other kinds of doctrine:

“This wisdom does not descend from above, but is earthly, sensual, demonic. For where envy and self-seeking exist, confusion and every evil thing are there. But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, willing to yield, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality and without hypocrisy.”

Every kind of wisdom has its source. Its source is often a set of beliefs embodying a certain doctrine. When James uses the words earthly, sensual and demonic, I find it helpful to categorize these other kinds of doctrines that way. Let’s go ahead and briefly describe them.

The first of the doctrines that is not the true sound doctrine is the earthly doctrine.

This is the kind of doctrine that makes lots of sense to the natural mind. It is the one by which the systems of this world will often work. Put your imagination cap on and let’s take a stroll. A mother of young children is presented with two job opportunities – one where she can work from home and the other where she has opportunity to travel a lot. Earthly wisdom will often dictate that she picks the latter because it might be well paying but it also gives her greater room to grow in her career.

Is this though the right choice considering her growing children who need her? It is a doctrine representing a set of beliefs probably inculcated in us as we went to school, affecting our decision making at the very core of who we are.

The second is the sensual (unspiritual) doctrine.

This is the kind of doctrine driven by the self; driven by what I sense to be good for me. It is about my five senses. It has this philosophy: If it feels good, do it. Don’t you and I know that not everything that feels good will be good or beneficial for you and I? This doctrine has nothing to do with the will of God. It has everything to do with what I want.

Just yesterday, I heard the story of how a wife would not let her husband go to serve where he had been sent to serve as a pastor of a church. she wanted to remain in the big city where they had been previously serving. A critical look at this wife’s response might just reveal a decision made based on a set of beliefs embodying the self. A doctrine is then built around making decisions based on what is in it for me; not on God’s will.

The third is the doctrine of demons.

Paul warns young Timothy of men who will depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of demons. (1Tim 4:1) I think of the woman who will still seek protection by wearing a charm given by a parent who got it from a witchdoctor. The woman is simply unable to believe that the God she has believed is able to protect her from evil and harm without it. Some women will go further to read horoscopes for guidance. Others have gone into transcendental meditation, not knowing they are opening themselves up for demonic activity in their lives.

The true sound doctrine that has its basis and foundation in God’s Word the Bible, is the only doctrine that will keep you standing strong and steadfast as a woman.

It is the only doctrine that will bring about God-ordained transformation. This is the transformation that is crucial in your formation as a noble, virtuous woman. Paul reminds Timothy how he, Timothy, has known Paul’s doctrine and way of life, purpose, faith, longsuffering, charity and patience. (2Tim 3:10) Can the people around you, or your children for a mother, say what doctrine they know you for?

Build your life on the Rock Jesus Christ. Build your doctrine on His Word, the Bible. Only then will you continually be formed into the noble virtuous woman God wants you to be.

“Watch your life and doctrine closely. Persevere in them, because if you do, you will save both yourself and your hearers.” (1 Tim 4:16 NIV)

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