The power of godly teaching

How to Become a Proverbs 31 Woman: The Power of Godly Teaching

It’s an exciting enriching journey studying the Proverbs 31 chapter.

If you missed the Introduction to this series, dubbed Tracking the Proverbs 31 Woman Series, you can find it here. Also, if you haven’t read the first post in this series, you can check it out here.

Welcome to the third post in this journey of discovering the Proverbs 31 woman—who she is, what makes her life so well-organized, and the secret behind her sense of peace and tranquility.

Learning from Proverbs 31:1

Today, I want to spend some extra time reflecting on Proverbs 31:1:

“The words of King Lemuel, the utterance his mother taught him.” (Proverbs 31:1, NKJV)

This verse reminds me of my younger years when I admired women ministers who seemed to have their lives so perfectly together. I often wondered what made them so successful.

If I had the chance, I would have “stalked” them just to observe their daily lives and understand their wisdom.

One day, after attending a series of powerful meetings led by a godly husband and wife, a friend gently reminded me: “You don’t know what their life is like behind closed doors.” Those words took me by surprise! Could it be that what I saw in public wasn’t the full picture?

Fast forward a couple of years, and God graciously gave me the opportunity to live with a godly couple for a whole month.

I didn’t just observe their lives—I was welcomed into their home and hearts. This couple became my spiritual parents, modeling a life of wisdom, integrity, and devotion.

The Importance of Teaching in Becoming a Godly Woman

Going back to Proverbs 31:1, we see that King Lemuel’s mother taught him wisdom. The principle here is clear: if we want to become godly women, teaching must be part of our growth process.

A simple definition of teaching, according to Google’s dictionary, is:

“Ideas or principles taught by an authority.”

For someone to teach, they must have already learned. The best teachers share knowledge gained through experience, observation, and divine revelation.

This means that growing into the Proverbs 31 woman requires learning from godly teaching. But how does this happen?

Here are three key ways:

  1. Learning Directly from God’s Word

Your personal time with God in Scripture and prayer is the most significant way you will grow spiritually. Through daily devotion, you allow the Holy Spirit to teach, guide, and transform you.

Consider the words of Isaiah 50:4 (NIV):

“The Sovereign LORD has given me an instructed tongue, to know the word that sustains the weary. He wakens me morning by morning, wakens my ear to listen like one being taught.”

The first thing I’ve trained myself to do when I wake up early in the morning is to have my Quiet Time with God.

This is the main reason I wake up early every morning. This has become my custom.

The immense benefits accrued from this time of communion with God keep me going with my early rising discipline.

I’ve even shared in this post here why I’m convinced waking up early is biblical.

The wisdom gained and applied in my life that others in my life attest to is just one of the benefits of fellowshipping with God in His Word and prayer.

If you want to strengthen your Quiet Time with God, check out these helpful resources: How to Have an Effective Quiet Time, as well as these two articles: here and here.

  1. Learning from Biblically Sound Books and Teachings

Another way to grow is by reading biblically sound books and listening to sermons by godly men and women.

But be discerning—make sure that what you consume aligns with Scripture and is taught by people who live out their faith authentically.

God designed the body of Christ so that we would learn from one another. No single person has all the answers—only God does! He often uses other believers to teach, mentor, and guide us.

I have been a beneficiary of the wisdom, insight, understanding, and discernment God has bestowed on others.

Their stories demonstrate the power of God at work to transform and to use frail humanity to glorify His name.

The experiences captured through books and teachings have stretched me to grow, helping me align my life with God’s will. I also get clarity on various topics as I read and listen.

The wise do not wait to make mistakes themselves but learn from the wisdom of others. As the saying goes:

“A wise man learns from the mistakes of others; a fool learns only from his own.”

  1. Learning from Godly Women and Mentors

Nothing can replace the wisdom and influence of a godly mentor.

Just as King Lemuel’s mother invested in his life, older, spiritually mature women are called to train younger women.

older, spiritually mature women are called to train younger women in godliness

As Titus 2:3-5 says:

Likewise, teach the older women to be reverent in the way they live, not to be slanderers or addicted to much wine, but to teach what is good. Then they can train the younger women to love their husbands and children, to be self-controlled and pure, to be busy at home, to be kind, and to be subject to their husbands, so that no one will malign the word of God.

Interestingly, the KJV version of this verse uses the word teaching instead of training, emphasizing the importance of instruction.

Like I mentioned earlier, I had an older godly woman who walked with me, discipling me in the ways of God, sharing her life, instructing, rebuking, correcting, and teaching me life skills that would help me as a woman.

As I mentor younger women, doing the very things she did as she walked with me, I can’t help but thank God for the privilege and opportunity I got to be mentored as a younger woman.

If you don’t currently have a godly mentor in your life, pray and ask God to provide one. He is faithful!

In fact, my mentor once told me that for a long time, her mentor was in a book because she couldn’t find a godly woman to guide her. But after much prayer, God provided her with multiple spiritual mothers who poured into her life.

Embracing a Teachable Heart

Ultimately, becoming a Proverbs 31 woman starts with a teachable heart—one that is willing to receive instruction, correction, and wisdom from God and those He places in our lives.


“Father, give me a teachable heart, one that is open to receive all You have for me. Shape me into the woman You created me to be so that I may glorify You in all that I do. Amen.”

Final Thoughts

To become a Proverbs 31 woman, commit to daily learning—through God’s Word, biblically sound teachings, and the guidance of godly mentors.

Growth doesn’t happen overnight, but with consistency and a heart that seeks God, transformation is inevitable.

What’s next? Stay tuned for the next post in this series! If this devotional has blessed you, feel free to share it with a friend. Let’s grow together in Christ!

For more insight and understanding on this chapter, you’re welcome to purchase a copy of my book based on Proverbs 31. I trust the book will be a blessing. You can find it here.

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