a family reading the Bible together

Raising Godly Children in a Busy World | 7 Biblical Parenting Tips

Not too long ago, I did a study of Titus 2:3-5. When I got to, “Then they can urge the younger women to love their husbands and children,” my reflections resulted in very practical biblical tips of how a wife and mother should love her husband and children.

I will share in a soon coming post how to love a husband. In today’s post though, as the title suggests, I’m sharing what I learned about loving children.

Loving our children is one of the most important responsibilities we have as parents.

In today’s fast-paced world, many mothers find themselves stretched thin, juggling work, household duties, and the immense task of raising godly children.

With children spending more time in school, daycare, or in front of screens, the question arises: How do we truly love our children in a way that aligns with biblical principles?

This post will explore practical ways to love our children, drawn from the wisdom of Scripture, particularly Titus 2:3-5, which instructs older women to teach younger women how to love their husbands and children.

As we reflect on this passage, let’s examine seven key ways to express love to our children, ensuring they grow up with a deep understanding of God’s Word and a strong moral foundation.

Understanding Biblical Love in Parenting

The Bible emphasizes that love is not just an emotion but an intentional act of service, sacrifice, and guidance.

Think of John 14:15; obedience to our Lord is a demonstration of our love for him.

In 1 Corinthians 13:4-7, love is described as patient, kind, not self-seeking, and always protecting. As parents, our love should reflect these qualities.

Jesus demonstrated unconditional love through His actions, teaching us that true love is selfless and devoted.

When applied to parenting, biblical love means obeying God by nurturing our children’s spiritual growth, prioritizing their well-being, and guiding them toward a Christ-centered life.

  1. Spend Quality and Quantity Time with Your Children

In today’s world, many parents focus on quality time while neglecting quantity time. However, children interpret love through time spent together.

Deuteronomy 6:7 encourages us to teach our children diligently as we sit, walk, and go about our daily activities. This means integrating our faith and values into everyday moments.

Children learn more from what they observe than what they are explicitly taught.

A mentor once said, “For children, love is spelled T-I-M-E.” Whether it’s playing, reading, or simply being present, your presence in their lives will shape their emotional and spiritual development.

Practical Tips:

  • Establish daily routines that include dedicated family time.
  • Share meals together without distractions.
  • Engage in activities that your child enjoys.
  • Limit screen time and prioritize face-to-face interactions.
  1. Discipline with Love and Consistency

Like it or not, discipline is a vital expression of love.

Proverbs 13:24 states, “Whoever spares the rod hates their children, but the one who loves their children is careful to discipline them.”

Discipline should not be punitive but corrective, guiding children toward righteousness.

Hebrews 12:11 reminds us that while discipline is unpleasant in the moment, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who’ve been trained by it.

As parents, we must set clear boundaries and expectations, ensuring our children understand the consequences of their actions while feeling secure in our love.

I’m reminded of a dear mentor who, after a discipline session with one of her children, they would leave the room looking like nothing happened.

Her intention, together with her husband, was never to shame or embarrass a child during such a session. For the full month I lived with this family, I would barely notice such sessions.

Their aim was not only to correct the child, but to do it in such a way that the child experienced their love and affirmation without calling attention to the child that would cause the child to feel humiliated.

This is a parenting lesson I took with me when I left their home.

Practical Tips:

  • Establish consistent rules and consequences.
  • Discipline with a calm and loving demeanor.
  • Use positive reinforcement and encouragement.
  • Teach children the reason behind discipline to instill wisdom.
  1. Teach and Instill God’s Word in Their Hearts

One of the most significant ways to love our children is by investing in their spiritual growth.

Proverbs 22:6 instructs us to “train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it.”

God’s Word is a foundation that will sustain them through life’s challenges.

Teaching children Bible stories, encouraging scripture memorization, and modeling faith in everyday situations will instill in them a deep and lasting love for God.

Practical Tips:

  • Read Bible stories together daily.
  • Take the earliest time to teach them to have a daily Quiet Time with God.
  • Encourage scripture memorization with fun activities.
  • Pray with your children and teach them to seek God in all situations.
  • Attend church as a family and engage in Christian community.

a child having Quiet Time with God

  1. Pray for and with Your Children

Prayer is a powerful tool in raising godly children.

Lamentations 2:19 urges us to “pour out your heart like water in the presence of the Lord. Lift up your hands to Him for the lives of your children.”

Praying for your children’s future, character, and faith journey will not only invite God’s protection and guidance over them but will also teach them the importance of seeking God in their own lives.

Make prayer a daily habit, whether before meals, at bedtime, or during difficult moments.

Pray for each of your children daily and specifically. God hears prayer on behalf of our children because praying for our children is part of His will.

Practical Tips:

  • Set aside time for daily family prayer.
  • Teach your children how to pray by modeling heartfelt conversations with God.
  • Keep a prayer journal and record answered prayers to show God’s faithfulness.
  • Encourage children to pray for their family, friends, teachers, and future.
  • Help them establish a personal prayer time as part of their daily Quiet Time with the Lord.

a family praying together

  1. Prepare Them for Life with Practical Skills

In addition to spiritual guidance, preparing children for life involves equipping them with essential skills.

Many young adults struggle with basic responsibilities because they were never trained at home.

Proverbs 31 describes a woman who is hardworking, resourceful, and endowed with skills.

We can also aim to pass down skills we learned to our children to help them navigate life more creatively and productively.

Teaching children chores, financial responsibility, cooking, and other life skills ensures they grow up to be self-sufficient and capable adults.

Encouraging creativity and hands-on learning will also help them discover their God-given talents.

Practical Tips:

  • Assign age-appropriate chores to instill responsibility.
  • Teach budgeting and financial stewardship through their little pocket money or money earned.
  • Encourage problem-solving skills and critical thinking.
  • Foster independence while offering guidance and support.
  • Limit screen time to encourage creative play and engagement.
  1. Listen to Your Children

Children need to feel heard and valued.

James 1:19 advises us to be “quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to become angry.”

Actively listening to your children fosters trust and emotional connection.

Make it a priority to engage in meaningful conversations. Ask about their thoughts and feelings, and be present when they need to talk.

When a child wants to engage in a conversation, lay aside what you are doing (often a hard one for me to do and I think for many parents!) and really listen, engaging in what they are saying. Then respond in a way they know they’ve been heard.

Jesus welcomed children and listened to them (Mark 10:13-16), setting an example for us to follow.

Practical Tips:

  • Set aside one-on-one time with each child regularly.
  • Avoid distractions and be fully present in conversations.
  • Validate their emotions while guiding them with wisdom.
  • Encourage open communication by creating a safe and loving environment.
  1. Model the Faith Through Your Actions

One of the most influential ways to love your children is by living out your faith.

Paul told Timothy, “The things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable people who will also be qualified to teach others” (2 Timothy 2:2).

Children observe how we handle challenges, how we treat others, and how we prioritize God in our daily lives.

I know a book titled Discipleship is More Caught Than Taught. It is how I live the truth of God’s Word through my words and deeds that children are likely to emulate more than what I will ever teach them.

Let’s teach our children God’s Word. Let’s also go beyond that to demonstrate obedience to the Lord in our own lives concerning what we are teaching them.

They will imitate our faith if they see it genuinely practiced. Be intentional about demonstrating kindness, forgiveness, and dependence on God.

Practical Tips:

  • Let your children see you reading the Bible and praying.
  • Show grace and forgiveness in family relationships.
  • Serve others together as a family to cultivate a heart for ministry.
  • Lead by example in daily obedience to God’s Word.

a Bible verse on parenting

Conclusion: Raising Godly Children in a Challenging World

Loving our children in a biblical way requires intentionality, sacrifice, and unwavering faith.

While today’s culture presents challenges, God’s Word provides a clear blueprint for raising children who will honor Him.

By spending time with them, disciplining wisely, teaching scripture, praying, equipping them with skills, listening, and modeling faith, we can fulfill our calling as godly parents.

Let us trust the Lord in this journey, knowing that our efforts will bear fruit for generations to come.

If this post has encouraged you, consider sharing it with other parents who seek to raise their children in God’s love.

May we all continue to grow in our roles, shaping the next generation for His glory!

If you’d like to listen to the livestream where I talked about loving our children, tap the link below. I trust it will be a blessing too!

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