7 More Ways to Make Money from Home as a Christian Mom| Side Hustle Ideas for Homemakers

Having experienced the benefits of working from home, I have desired that other moms would experience the same gains.

Once you bring that little bundle of joy home and behold his or her innocent face, no mom is excited to leave them in the hands of another in the name of going off to work.

But the bills… oh the bills! They come knocking incessantly on the door.

Most moms have no choice but to make the necessary preparations, leave their baby behind, and go off to work, for some, crying as they go.

It’s not an easy decision. I know this having been part of a group of moms who related their experiences of going to work while leaving the baby or their children behind in the care of a nanny, or at a baby care center.

I’m truly grateful I never had to experience this except for brief stints when I needed to go off for a seminar or work-related event. This experience was however sufficient to give me some understanding of how a mama would feel.

Being a stay-at-home mom who didn’t necessarily have lots of cash at her disposal wasn’t always easy. I found myself praying and exploring ways a Christian mom can make money from home.

I was eventually able to find 5 ways that I made money from home. I’ve already shared these in this post here.

After sharing these with my community, I asked them to share more ways they have made money from home. These are the seven I compiled.

I’m sharing them with the hope that one of these might be the one you will resonate with and try your hand at.

Allow me to repeat and say that making money from home is not instantaneous. It is going to take lots of time and hard work. I suggest you first read this post here where I talked about the harsh truth about making money from home.

This can help you prepare yourself physically, mentally, psychologically, and spiritually for any challenges and eventualities you may encounter on the journey towards making money from home as a Christian homemaker.

Let’s get right into the 7 ways.

  1. Teach English online

I have a close friend who teaches English online as her career, at least for now. My friend takes care of her bills, saves, invests, travels, and supports God’s work through this hustle initially meant to be a side hustle.

My friend is not a trained teacher, nor is she a teacher of English. She was in the process of looking for a job along her career path.

Now that she couldn’t get a job, she began searching for online job options. She stumbled upon teaching English as a way of making money. This has since become her lifeline in terms of financial support.

English is one of the main languages in many parts of the world. In reality, however, not all countries teach or speak English unfortunately. This reality has providentially opened a door for English-speaking individuals to teach English.

One doesn’t have to be a trained English teacher. Like my friend, you only need to have gone to school and you can speak the English language fluently.

You can apply at http://engoo.com/app/teach If you qualify then you might get an opportunity to teach English online and earn.

  1. Become a Virtual Assistant

According to Investopedia.com, a virtual assistant is a self-employed worker who specializes in offering administrative services to clients from a remote location, usually a home office.

Since the pandemic, companies, organizations, and individuals have turned to the Internet for business and to reach their audiences and customer base as part of their marketing and sales strategy.

They won’t mind hiring a virtual assistant remotely to carry out their administrative work.

I recently needed a virtual assistant to help manage our records, handle correspondence, organize events, do our newsletter, partly handle our social media handles, etc.

I didn’t have to go very far. A relative who saw the potential of what we were doing, requested to help as a virtual assistant, working with an allowance we can afford at the moment until at such a time we could pay her what she is worth.

If my little ministry engagement online required a virtual assistant, how much more a bigger company, organization, or individual?

As a stay-at-home mama, you might want to explore this opportunity. If you are well-versed in the online space and how it operates, here lies an opportunity worth exploring.

You can start as our virtual assistant: Volunteering your services and growing from there.

As long as we have the internet around, this will be an opportunity that will continue to be available to moms and others who would love to work from home.

The job description might be as simple as responding to messages on a large influencer channel or managing their mail.

Thankfully, virtual assistant work can be done from anywhere, including home.

  1. Nannying

A mom already has some experience caring for children because she has or is taking care of her child or children.

Many mums would give anything if they were certain their children would be well cared for.

If you are a mom who loves children, you might want to consider this side hustle.

This is a side hustle where you care for the child or children of another mom or moms, for a specified period, and at a fee.

You can care for the children in your home setting. One of the benefits of doing this is having playmates for your children.

Check if you need legal documentation to do this in your country.

  1. Farming

If you have some space for farming, farming as a side hustle could work for you. This could involve rearing domestic animals or cultivating land that yields farm produce, for sale.

I know a couple at our church who are highly successful chicken farmers. A friend runs a herbs farm that she told me is very lucrative. Our brother is involved in dairy farming.

I also know a couple who told me they plant sugarcane on their farm in their rural home. They supply a local sugar cane company with the sugarcane and receive payment from the company.

My husband and I have had the privilege of receiving a little income from the sale of macadamia nuts from Macadamia trees my late husband’s father planted several years ago. We’ve also sold hay from our farm. Recently, we launched a beehive project because it doesn’t take time and attention.

If you love farming, you can invest in a profitable farming venture. Farming can also be very therapeutic. It also has multiple blessings such as supplying part of your dietary needs.

I must warn here though that farming needs lots of research if you want to be successful. Don’t just engage in a farming activity until you have done sufficient research before you begin.

Farming is also labor intensive especially as you begin. Be ready for this as you plan.

I included farming here because most of us have been structured to believe that white-collar jobs are what will give us lots of money. They are also reserved for the elite who’ve gone to school.

We assume that farming can only be done by those who didn’t finish school or didn’t make good grades. This is far from the truth.

I come from Kenya where several of those who work in cities have rural homes. Some families have left huge parcels of land behind and chosen to go and work in the city.

If some of these families went to their rural homes to farm, they might be better off farming than working in an office.

Our schooling though never prepared most of us for farmwork. It wouldn’t be considered an option. Perhaps this is the option God would have you try.

  1. Request to Work from Home

One of the hidden blessings for working moms that came with the pandemic was being able to work from home.

Many employers suddenly came to terms with the reality of having their employees work from home.

Some companies and organizations realized this was cheaper and more fruitful due to the nature of their work.

Lots of time is often wasted, just trying to get to work. Imagine when an employee has to work from home without the hustle and bustle of getting to work. They may do a better job than if they went to an office.

A company may also not need to rent office space if their employees accomplish the same goals while working from home.

A mom can request to work from home depending on the nature of her work.

Thankfully, this is not a strange request. Considering the times we’re living in and the digitalization of processes that used to be done manually, many services can now be offered online. This makes working from home possible for some employees.

I know a friend whose husband works from home for part of the week.

You might even know several employees who work from home.

This is possible.

  1. Become a Coach

Never in my life have I seen the world of coaching flourish as it is today.

Many people gravitate towards walking with someone who has gone a few steps ahead to hold their hand and guide them toward reaching their goals in a particular field.

Some are happy to be helped to reach their goals at a fee. These could be health goals, financial goals, career goals, and the like.

Coaching is becoming popular. Comparably, it seems a more practical way to achieve one’s goals than going to college to acquire some training in a particular field.

Do you have some knowledge, skills, and experience in a field related to helping people solve their problems? Does your career directly solve someone’s problem?

Consider packaging your knowledge and skills into a program. You can apply for certification as a coach. Attach a fee to the program. This way, you can run your coaching business on your terms, from home.

You could eventually turn the program, or part of it into a course you can sell as a product.

A little training in the world of coaching can go a long way in helping you gain trust before your potential customers. It also might be the handle to reach those who need what you offer.

  1. Sell Digital Products

As I recently researched digital products, I learned about this way of making money from home.

I was working on a free meal plan template I wanted to share with my audience. You can find it here if you’d love one!

It’s not that I’d never heard of this way of making money. It’s just that it hadn’t interested me much at the time.

But as I worked on the template in Canva, I suddenly realized I might have a mom reading this post who is artistic and creative.

She might not struggle to create beautiful templates of meal plans like I did, or planners, chore charts, and the like. She can then sell them on a platform such as Etsy.

A digital book, notebook, or course are all digital products that can be created and sold online.

The advantage of a digital product is that you’ll only need to create it once. You can then sell hundreds or thousands of them without ever needing to work on them again.

The major work here, in my opinion, is discovering and nurturing a customer base that needs the digital product.

Research to help you know how best to discover the clientele that needs your digital product, how to create your digital product to reach your customer and meet their need, and the best platform to sell it on.

You will need the internet, the software necessary to develop your digital product, and the knowledge, skill, and creativity to create the product.


Each of these ventures needs prayer, hard work, patience, and time before they yield the kind of profit we would all aspire. Eventually, though, I pray that as a mom, God will graciously grant you success, enabling you to be at home with your children, as is the desire of most of us as Christian moms.



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